Using your unique astrological chart, powerful reflection, and self-inquiry we will journey together, finding ways to connect more deeply to the support and guidance that is all around you. This offering integrates coaching and elemental wisdom through the lens of Esoteric Astrology. Through this experience, you will create a powerful foundation of support for your continued journey toward the creation of your dreams.

Awakening Your Elemental Wisdom


Do you long to feel more connected and supported? Less alone and uncertain?

Do you ever find yourself wondering why certain things seem easier for some people and feel more challenging for you?

Do you often tell yourself that if only you could be more disciplined, courageous, confident, fearless, (insert all the things) everything would be so much easier?

Are you ready to let go of trying to be like everyone else?

Are you ready to get to know yourself and uncover your own unique gifts?

Are you ready to connect to the foundation of support that is within and all around you?

Are you ready to awaken your elemental wisdom?

Awakening Your Elemental Wisdom


Each of the six sessions will be one hour long and will be held on zoom.

Session frequency:
- Every other week for three months
- Or once a week for six weeks

Total exchange:

Payment Options:
- 3 payments of $371
- 2 payments of $555.50
- 1 payment of $1111

The Six Sessions

We will begin with an anchoring session to connect and align with one another using your astrological birth chart as our foundation. Each week thereafter, we’ll focus on each of the different elements, understanding how you uniquely relate to each of them, and how you can strengthen your connections to find more balance and support through them. Our final session will hold space for integration and bring together all of the elemental wisdom that you will have gained throughout this experience.

1. Anchoring with Intention

2. Connecting with Fire

3. Connecting with Water

4. Connecting with Air

5. Connecting with Earth

6. Integrating the Elements

An important note:

Everyone brings their own beautifully unique self to this experience. What comes naturally to one person might be difficult for another to access, and vice versa. After all, there is no one in the entire universe who is quite like you. With this in mind, the order in which we move through the elements and practices will be different for each person. We will determine all of this together, session by session, creating a completely individual experience.

Tools for Our Journey

○ Six One-on-One Sessions

This is where the magic of meeting yourself happens. We’ll use your astrological birth chart as a foundation for you to dive deep into your personal connection to each of the elements. Then, we will focus on discovering ways that you can create more balance within yourself by nurturing your relationship with each of the different elements.

○ Astrological Wisdom

Through the lens of Modern and Esoteric (soul-centered) Astrology, we will use your birth chart as a foundational element in learning how to nurture your connections to the elements. Though we will not do a full astrological birth chart reading together, your chart will be the doorway from which we will approach this journey of getting to know yourself more deeply.

○ Invitations for Practice

Guided by what arises during each session, we will co-create unique ways for you to deepen your connection to the elements. These are always optional practices, but if you feel inspired to engage with them between our sessions, they will offer supportive ways to further integrate the wisdom you’ll be uncovering.

○ Rituals for Practice

Throughout our journey, you’ll receive suggested rituals to engage with in between sessions.

○ Guided Meditations

After each elemental session, you’ll receive a guided meditation to supplement your other practices.

○ Support In Between

If questions arise between sessions, I’ll be available to communicate via voice notes in text messages.

You were born with this wisdom

This wisdom is not something you’ll need to be taught or acquire from outside yourself. You were born with an inherent connection to all four of the elements. Their energy lives within each of us, and we have different ways of connecting to this elemental energy and support. What comes naturally to one person may be challenging for another and vice-versa. Which makes it deeply important for us to release the pressure to be more like the people around us and instead get to know and be our full selves.

Through this journey inward, we are able to nurture our elemental wisdom and cultivate internal balance. This gives us the foundation to expand our capacity to share our most authentic and powerful gifts with the world.

Finding balance through the elements looks different for each of us. It’s not a static way of being, but rather an ever-evolving relationship with ourselves and the universe as we move through the changing cycles of our lives. For example, when you’re in a creative flow, building or expanding, you may want to nurture the energy of your fire element by taking up space, moving your body, or initiating new adventures. Or, you may want to lean into the communicative air element to share and connect with others about what you’re creating. Likewise, when one is grieving a loss or ending, it may be important to lean into the support of the grounding earth element, while holding space for their emotions through the water element. 

The way that we cultivate balance in connection with the elements is unique to each of us. This is why something that feels impossibly hard for one of us may look effortless for another. When we don’t acknowledge our unique way of connecting and finding balance, we find ourselves in a constant state of struggle by comparing ourselves to others or trying to force ourselves to conform to the way we see others doing things or showing up.

Freedom, peace, courage, trust, creation, and joy arise when we understand the unique wisdom within us and allow ourselves to be guided from that place.

Why the elements?

In every moment, we are surrounded by the elements, nurtured by them, sustained by them, made of them, and connected deeply and inherently to them. 

Cleansed by the water, nurtured by the earth, oxygenated by the air,
ignited by the fire.

There is deep wisdom to be learned about ourselves and how we move through, create and connect to the world and each other, by way of our astrological birth charts and the elemental placements of the planets.

Many of us grow up believing that if we were just more of this, or that, then we would finally be able to succeed in the ways we believe we are supposed to. The truth is, we each have powerful and unique gifts to share with the world. We are not meant to do things the same as everyone else, and when we deny ourselves the gift of understanding our own strengths, we deny the world the opportunity to witness our full potential.  

Throughout our lives, we are taught that we must go it alone, fight for our place in the world, and prove our worth through self-reliance.

But the truth is, we are never really alone. Each of us is supported by the foundation of the earth, cleansed in the flow of water, lifted into the air by the wind, and ignited into action by fire.

When we better understand what we are made of, how supported we are, and how inherently connected we are to that support, we open our heart and soul to endless possibilities for expansion and creation.

Through the lens
of elemental wisdom,
you’ll learn to nurture yourself through
the stages of change
and the ebbs and flows
of your journey.  





  • Finding grounding and clarity in the present moment. Allowing space to be where you are now, however that may look or feel.

  • Getting in touch with our emotional body and experience. Opening gentle space for flow, allowing the emotional waters from within to move through.

  • Finding our voice and creating space for acknowledging our fears while also letting our soul’s deepest desires out into the light.

  • Igniting and initiating powerful change from the bedrock of potent self-awareness cultivated through the other elements. Reigniting the fire within you, nurturing your innate power, and moving towards the abundant ocean of possibility within your dreams and desires.

May we allow ourselves to be held and nurtured by the energetic support system of the elements.

May we connect deeply with ourselves through this wisdom.

May we expand and create from a foundation of balance.

May we be fully integrated and embodied within ourselves.


  • This is for anyone who has a desire to get to know themselves better.

    For anyone who is ready to uncover the wisdom within them and to allow it to be their guide on their own unique journey.

    For anyone who wants to follow their dreams, but longs for a stronger foundation of support to build upon.

    This is for you if you’re looking to deepen your connection to yourself and to the support of your elemental wisdom.

  • You can schedule an inquiry call here!

  • We will not be doing a full reading of your astrological birth chart. Rather we will use your birth chart as a way to anchor into your personal relationship with the elements as you reflect on where things have been challenging and what has felt out of balance throughout your life. Then, we will focus on discovering ways that you can create more balance and support for yourself through nurturing your relationship with each of the different elements.

  • In some ways they are similar. They both use evidence-based techniques and intentional dialogue as the primary tools for growth and discovery. But, they are not the same thing and there are some very important differences.

    Coaching: In coaching, we work on growth and making shifts in the present moment that will help move you towards the future you desire.

    Therapy: In therapy, you work through deeper issues like depression, anxiety, or trauma.

    There is no diagnosing or assessing of anyone’s mental health in coaching.

    From the ICF (International Coaching Federation) website:

    “ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

    We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.”

  • All sessions will last approximately 60 minutes. However, to allow for spaciousness in our initial session we may go as long as 90 minutes.

  • We will meet on Zoom for each of our sessions. You can sign up for a zoom account here. Prior to our session you will receive an email with the zoom link.

  • You will have a new understanding of your unique connection to the elements, as well as tools and practices to help support you to maintain a balanced foundation of support.

    Of course, there’s also the opportunity to continue our coaching journey together if that feels supportive to you. We’ll have an opportunity to explore this as an option in our last session together.

  • Payment plans are available for all multi-session coaching offerings.

    Payment plan options for Awakening Your Elemental Wisdom:
    - 3 payments of $371
    - 2 payments of $555.50
    - 1 payment of $1111

    The first payment of a payment plan will be due upon initial signup for an offering.

    If you have any other questions or if your wondering about other payment plan option that aren’t listed, please don’t hesitate to reach out:

  • It is the Client’s responsibility to notify the Coach of a cancellation 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. Unless otherwise specified by the Coach, all payments for the Coaching Services are non-refundable. Coach reserves the right to bill Client for a missed meeting. Coach addresses true emergencies on a case-by-case basis. Where possible, Coach will attempt to reschedule the missed meeting.

Even when we feel most alone, we are deeply connected, divinely guided, and endlessly supported.

When we find our way back to ourselves, we are able to move through the world with this knowing as our foundation.

And from there, we find that there are endless possibilities for creation.

Understanding and nurturing your unique gifts is the key to unlocking the doors to all of your most magical dreams.