a bit about me
My name is Raina (she/her)
and I am a dreamer,
a seeker,
and an explorer
in the depths
of the inner ocean.
I am also a designer,
an integrative coach,
and the founder
of Finding Stillness.
I live with my family in the Pacific Northwest and have spent most of my life here amongst the moss and ferns. I am at home in the trees and feel most alive near the ocean. I am deeply committed to living my life as a practice. A practice in finding stillness, following curiosity and desire, and meeting myself and the infinite universe in the present moment.
It has been a long journey to this moment on an ever-winding path that has often felt deeply challenging, uncomfortably uncertain, and often lonely. But, the more I’ve learned to lean into the support of those around me and to connect with the depths within me, the more joy, peace, love, and freedom I have experienced.
When we love and care for our whole selves, it becomes so much more possible for us to love and care for the world around us.

May we be open to discovery.
May we discover the wisdom within.
My deepest gratitude to all who have supported me along this journey, including my family, friends, mentors, and teachers.
Finding Stillness would not exist in such a way without the wisdom, guidance, and loving support of a few specific souls and their offerings. To the following, I am endlessly grateful and deeply inspired by all that you do and share with the world:
Chelsea Call, Curam Counsel
Kristina Adam, Aether Healing
Kristin Masi, KM Astrology
Natalie Miller, Mind Witchery
Megan deBoer, Tended Wealth
At my center, I am an ocean of gently held space.
One of my greatest joys is the gift of being able to support and encourage your unfolding and expansion throughout all of the ebbs and flows of your beautifully unique journey.
Certified Wayfinder Life Coach Certification (2024)
International Coaching Federation Certification (2024)

“As you move toward a dream,
the dream moves toward you.”
Julia Cameron