Planting roots deep within the soul

This year I choose to see myself first.

To know myself first.

To trust myself first.

To support myself first.

I will plant my roots firmly in the soil of my own being, connected to my truth, tethered to and supported by the earth.

When fear arises, I will return to rest in the soil of my soul, finding trust within myself. Trust in the connection that is inherent between me and the earth, and the moon, and the entire universe. And this connection will grow strong and no matter how fierce the winds of fear blow or how powerful the lightning strikes, I’ll be able to close my eyes and return to this connection, to my strength, to my truth.

As I plant these roots deep within myself, I will nurture my capacity to grow tall, strong, and wide. I will hold myself in the vulnerability of allowing my blossoming and growth, courageously stretching out into the unpredictability of the elements.

This year I will plant these roots deeper. And the more I connect with myself, the further my branches will reach, and I will nurture myself with the most fertile soil so that the flowers and fruit that I birth will be abundant in flavor, fragrance, and magic.

As I plant my roots and grow, my canopy will stretch out in all directions, providing a safe space for all those who want to rest and ground on the shaded earth. My branches will form a strong and steady foundation for those who want to climb into the air and expand. My leaves will fill with water, like tea cups, for anyone who seeks nurturing. Abundance will overflow from my branches, offering kindling for anyone who is ready to ignite their fire.

This year I will remind myself that I will not always be all of these things at once, and sometimes I may be none of them at all, for I am an organic creature who moves through cyclical ebbs and flows. And even when I have nothing to give and no motivation to grow, I will trust that I am worthy and I will return to rest again in the soil of my soul.

This year I will return, again and again, to the depths of the connection within myself knowing that the kind of growth I desire, the kind of expansion I envision, can only be born from a seed that has been nurtured and deeply rooted within rich and potent soil.

May we expand and share from the abundance of power, strength, and peace that is found when one is deeply rooted within oneself.


A year filled with thresholds